About Contractors State License Service, (CSLS)

Contractors State License Services (CSLS) is the largest school in California devoted to the Construction professional. For 35+ years, CSLS has helped its students pass the exam to become licensed contractors in the State of California, licensing more students than any other school.
See our timeline for 35 years of success.

From our main offices in Southern California, CSLS operates over 25 locations with full-service support and classrooms.  We have grown to this extent by providing quality, professional services.  In comparison, this provides 7 times the number of convenient locations than the second largest contractor school.

Contractors State License Services is one of the only contractor schools in the state that is run by educators, not lawyers or people mostly interested in the bonding and insurance business. Contractors State License Services formerly operated under the oversight of the State of California's Bureau for Private Post Secondary and Vocational Education. As of January 1 2010, the new Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) came into existence replacing the BPPVE. CSLS now operates under the provisions of the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (CPPEA), Article 4 Section 94874(f). Learn more...

In addition to our proven licensing programs, CSLS also offers the following courses:

David Mizener

The founder and CEO of Contractors State license Service, holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees in Education and has 40 years experience in teaching students. He originated the seminar concept in 1983, now known as the “Mizener Method”. He is known state-wide as the person most able to assist you in passing the California State License Board examination. In 1985, Mr. Mizener founded Contractors State License Services, and is responsible for over 120,000 successful contractors passing the California state board exam.

Over the years, Mr. Mizener has witnessed how underserved the construction professional is in the marketplace.  To address this, CSLS has expanded its range to offer programs, classes and services to assist contractors into becoming more educated and successful business persons.