What Does Research Say About Online Learning?According to Online Learning Statistics By Jamie Littlefield, About.com Guide Online learning has made a major impact in the world of education. Recent studies show that online learning is an effective and reputable way to learn. With that in mind MakeMeAContractor.com has created Online Exam Preparation Courses to help our students with an efficient method for preparing for their Contractors License.
According to a 2009 meta study from the Department of Education: “Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.” Students who mix online learning with traditional coursework (i.e. blended learning) do even better. [Source: Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, United States Department of Education.] We have found that students are consistently looking to study at their own pace. In addition to our in school classroom environment we availed a convenient online course to add an additional format of self study to support the needs of our students.
Trying to determine if which learning format is best for you?
While some people thrive on the independence and freedom offered through online classes, others find themselves regretting their decision and wishing they had enrolled at a traditional classroom instead. Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common. Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits. (Adapted from Jamie Littlefield, About.com Guide)
1. Successful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulders. While some people need teachers to keep them motivated and on-task, distance learners are able to motivate themselves. The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals.
2. Successful distance learners never (or at least rarely) procrastinate. You’ll rarely find them putting off assignments. These students enjoy the freedom of working at their own pace and appreciate the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them.
3. Successful distance learners can resist constant distractions. Whether it’s the phone ringing off the hook, the kids screaming in the kitchen, or the allure of the tv, everyone faces distractions. Successful students know how to filter out the constant disturbances that threaten their progress. They feel comfortable turning down an invitation or letting the machine pick up the phone when they know there is work to be done. If that is not the case the classroom learning format is perfect for you.
If you have few of the qualities of these successful students earning your Contractors License employing both self-paced online study and in class study is right for you? Take a look at the opportunities through Contractors State License Services.
Online Exam Preparation Courses |
Our Convenient Online Courses Can Help! Contractors Online Learning and Training is the perfect, no-excuse learning method.
Contractors Online Learning and Training
This learning format offers comprehensive and cost effective, self-paced courses 24 hours a day. The online courses combine a review of exam topics, a review of exam practice questions and 50-question course finals in an interactive, accessible format. Some courses utilize audio and video podcasts to bring CSLS classroom courses to you.
Individualize Your Online Exam Preparation Program
Pick and choose your specific areas of study or purchase a bundled program that will provide an overview of multiple subjects for your study needs.
Use these programs to supplement your current study program or use as a crash course of study to test your knowledge in specific areas.
Registration and Purchase Information
To purchase a course or view free content, visit the COLT Registration page and following the instructions to view the list of available courses.
Available courses include:
- California Contractor Law & Business Exam Prep
- General Engineering Contractor (GEN A) Exam Prep
- General Building Contractor (GEN B) Exam Prep
- Specialty Contractor Trade Exam Prep for the most popular trades with additional courses being added weekly
Contact us at: [email protected] or visit http://www.makemeacontractor.com/colt.cfm