Construction Math Made Easy

30 Percent of Students Report Having Math Anxiety

 30 percent of students report having math anxiety. We believe those statistics may be even higher considering most that struggle with math avoid it like the plaque. Therefore the percentages likely are a much higher percentage rate.

“When you’re building a house, you would never think of trying to put up the second floor before the first floor. Building is a sequential process. The same is true in math, each concept builds on the ones that came before. In history, you can understand the Depression pretty well even if you didn’t study World War I. But in math it’s different, you need to understand factoring very well or you won’t be able to solve equations.

This means that if you’re strapped for time, the one course that’s most dangerous to let slide is your math course. With other courses, if you don’t understand day 11 you can probably follow the lecture on day 12. With math, you have to understand day 11 or you’ll likely be lost in day 12. Construction Math is no different.

The moral is that you need to stay current. If ever you don’t understand something, get help on it right away. Otherwise you’ve just knocked away the first floor of your house, and you know what that will do when you try to put up the second floor. ”  [Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems]

Break the anxiety of Construction Math by:

1.       Being prepared

2.       Seek qualified instruction

3.       Practice Practice Practice

4.       Test your skill-set

5.       Keep a positive frame of mind

 Review the video file and contact us for more tips!