CSLB Zero-Tolerance Policy for C-10 Employee Certification Requirements Creating Buzz

This is an important notice for C-10 Electrical Contractors working in the state of California. Make sure you are following electrician certification requirements and avoid fines from the CSLB.

At a recent meeting of the CSLB Enforcement Committee (January 12, 2011) held at the Board’s new Valencia Investigative Center, Board enforcement staff reported over 30,000 licensees have received notice of the Board’s  Zero-Tolerance Policy for C-10 Electrical Contractors employing uncertified electricians.

Labor Compliance Officers and members of electrical worker unions have been aggressively reporting C-10 contractors who violate the electrician certification requirements established by the Labor Code Section 3099 and regulated by the Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DIR/DAS).  The Labor Code requires CSLB to investigate every report of a violation.  Board enforcement staff indicated investigations resulted in 10 citations in the last month alone.

Electricians are defined as all persons who engage in the connection of electrical devices for C-10 contractors. It is CSLB’s position that electrical work must be performed by a certified electrician or an approved apprentice. Trenching, concrete, framing, and other work that does not involve connecting electrical devices may be performed by noncertified workers. For more information about the Board’s Zero-Tolerance Policy for C-10 Employee Certification Requirements, visit the CSLB Industry Bulletin from 11/19/2010 for more information.