Do You Really Need to Join A Union To Become A Master Electrician?

If you’re an electrician or thinking about becoming one, you’re probably thinking about joining the union – whether that’s the national unions like the IBEW and NECA, or your local union like the CSAEW. If you’re even vaguely aware of electricians, what they do, and what the career entails, then surely you’ve at least heard of these.

These unions are the collective bargaining groups in the electrician’s field, and beyond the basic benefits of unions like arguing for wage and safety standards, the union serves as a psychological standard for electricians.

That is to say, being a union electrician carries a certain amount of prestige for electricians – it legitimizes many of them in the eye of the public. Likewise the title “Master Electrician” – it’s a title that everyone has heard from and it carries with it an air of trustworthiness and quality.

The thought that comes into one’s mind when one hears “master” versus “journeyman” or “apprentice” is that of a professional versus an amateur. Anyone who aims to be an electrician wants to be a master electrician.

What is a Master Electrician? And do you have to be in a union to become one? In this article, we’ll examine what a master electrician is, how to become one, and how the IBEW fits into this whole thing. Let’s take a look.

What Is A Master Electrician?

At the pinnacle of the electrical profession stands the master electrician—a title that signifies not just expertise but years of dedication, training, and hands-on experience. But what does it mean? What is a Master Electrician?

To be honest, it’s a little nebulous and frankly, ill-defined. A master electrician is actually not a specific title, like a journeyman or an apprentice. Rather, it’s a general signifier that suggests an electrician who has gone as far as they can go in their field.

What that means is typically a few things. A master electrician is a title that exists for electricians who have completed the apprenticeship and journeyman stages of their careers. They are people who have passed all the exams, gotten all the certifications, have worked the hours, and have overseen journeyman and apprentice electricians.

The specific requirements for becoming a master electrician vary by state, but generally speaking, it’s a title that only exists by necessity; it describes electricians who have surpassed journeyman status.

It’s also a term that seems to be dying out as the electrical profession continues to become more standardized. For example, California doesn’t create a distinction between these. You’ve satisfied the requirements to become a licensed C-10 electrical contractor, in which case, you get your license. Or you’re not. There’s no in-between.

In other states, like Arkansas or Colorado, there are distinctions between different types of electricians (some even getting as granular as apprentice journeyman electricians), so be aware of what the requirements are in your state. You may have to apply for a new license every single time you reach a new designation.

The long and short of it is what a master electrician actually is is vague at best, and meaningless at worst. There are some states where it doesn’t even exist.

Do I Have To Join The Union To Be A Master Electrician?

So now that you know that a master electrician simply means, well, being a good electrician for a long time, you can finally start moving in that direction. In some states, it’s a meaningless title or one that doesn’t exist. In others, becoming a master electrician is a quantifiable boost to your career.

Either way, the question remains: do you have to join the union to become a master electrician? In most cases, the answer is: technically no, but realistically yes.

Why do we say that? Well, because even though you are technically not required to be a part of any trade organization to become a master electrician in any state, the benefits of electrician’s unions are powerful. They provide invaluable resources that make getting any electrician’s license easier – they can definitely point you in the right direction to your master’s status.

You don’t need a union for anything as an electrician, really, but they do provide strong support for new electricians especially. However, you can still gain the same skills from non-union apprenticeships or non-union trade associations.

Union apprenticeships are known for their competitiveness and rigorous standards that will set you up in the professional for life, as well as induct you into the union, a big benefit to many just starting out. Union apprenticeships come with added prerequisites but offer better pay and benefits. Such apprenticeships are coordinated through partnerships, notably the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).

Non-union apprenticeships offer more flexibility and are often preferred by those who wish to avoid union dues and seek a less structured work environment. local contractors or non-union trade organizations, such as the Independent Electrical Contractors (IECI) or the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) offer these apprenticeship programs and can be a good start for people who lack the money for union dues.

The reality is both pathways are equally viable. Electrical work is pure science that anyone can learn – even from a library – but both come with pros and cons that may fit your lifestyle better than the other.

The Transition From Apprentice to Master

The journey from an apprentice to a master electrician is filled with milestones and largely dependent on where you live. In some states, there are specific requirements that delineate between apprentices, journeymen, and master electricians. As we said before, in some states, the master electrician title does not exist at all!

In general, though, you’ll often see an hourly or yearly work requirement. That is to say, in order to be certified as a master electrician in certain states, you have to either work a number of hours or work for a number of years in a certain position.

For example, in Georgia, you can either do four years’ on-the-job training or four years’ apprenticeship and that’s it – you can get your license. In Arkansas, you need to complete 8,000 hours of work experience, AND 2,000 hours in the classroom, AND you have to pass an exam!

This underlines all the different definitions and standards for what makes a master electrician. In reality, what makes a master electrician depends on your local jurisdiction, on both a state and municipal level. If you’re reading this, you probably already know your area’s regulatory requirements. If you don’t – you need to get into gear!

Licensing and Regulations

Master electrician licensing is a complex tapestry of requirements that vary across states, and they become increasingly complex as you get more local – with town, municipal, and county regulations coming into play with state regulations as well. In some places, you’ll be up to your neck in licenses and regulations before you’re even a journeyman!

While the National Fire Protection Association’s National Electrical Code (NEC) serves as a foundational standard for many states, local jurisdictions often have their own specific requirements, modifications, and examinations, and as we covered in the last section, they can be radically different state-by-state.

In most cases; however, it’s a simple case of doing on-the-job training, in the form of apprenticeship, and then journeymanship. Only after completing these two steps can you reach the next level of becoming a master electrician.

Circling back to our central question: Do you have to be in a union to be a master electrician? The answer is no – with a ton of caveats.

While unions offer a myriad of benefits and can significantly influence an electrician’s career, they are not a mandatory or exclusive pathway to mastery. You don’t ever have to join a union to get your contractor’s license or to become a certified master electrician. And in many areas – like the 40 million people in California – master electricians don’t even exist!

That said, the electrician’s union is giant and popular amongst electricians for a reason – they do provide quite a bit of value to electricians just starting out and those at the end of their careers. If you’re just starting out, we recommend checking out an introductory meeting at your local chapter of the IBEW.