How to Find the Best Employees for Your Contracting Business

In the middle of a labor shortage for construction, finding the best employees is a big deal. But where do you go to find them? And how do you know when you’ve made the right choice? If you know where to look, you can have a better chance of securing the best talent in the industry. Here are a few things you should know.

Look for Training Programs
Although many people get their start in construction with no formal training or education, local trade schools and other programs can be a great place to find new talent. There’s been a push in recent years to expand educational programs to help people interested in building a construction career. These programs may provide training or an apprenticeship to earn a certificate or even to become licensed contractors. By connecting with these programs, you may be able to get a sense for who is interested in working in construction, and the types of trades that entice them the most.

Go to Conferences
Ultimately, one of the best ways to get to know what’s happening in your local construction industry is to attend construction conferences. While you are there, you can network with other professionals and meet people who are looking to break into competitive fields. Conferences are a great way to find out what is new in the industry, especially issues concerning changing practices or technological innovations. Conferences also attract new people who are eager to find companies who support these new technologies. Give yourself some time to get to know the other attendees, and you might be delighted by the result.

Ask for Recommendations
Although there are lots of new ways that you can look for employees, it doesn’t hurt to ask for recommendations among regular clients or fellow contractors. You can even talk to friends and family, to see if they know anyone who is interested in getting involved with construction but isn’t sure how. Recommendations can be a great start because you already have a little bit of vetting done by someone you know and trust. Just make sure that the person doing the recommending is a reliable judge of character. You may not always get a lot of options, but it’s worth a try.

Publicize Your Expectations
It’s funny how some companies look to hire people without actually making it obvious that they want to do so. If you are actively searching out employees, make a job description and post it on popular job search websites. Provide plenty of information about what you expect from the job and what your company can offer to entice people to apply, like competitive wages or a solid benefits package. These days, people want the details before they decide whether or not they want to apply. The more information you can give them, the more likely they are to give you a chance.

Aim for Inclusion
For decades, construction has attracted workers from very specific demographics. But if you want to have access to a wider pool of possible candidates, you’re going to want to be as inclusive as you can. Be wary of job descriptions that imply that you’re looking for a very specific type of person. Instead, set reasonably objective requirements that don’t skew toward a particular demographic. Ask a relative or a friend who has a different background than you to review your hiring notice and let you know if it’s too exclusive. Opening up your hiring practices might lead more potential employees with varied experience and ideas that can help keep your business relevant years into the future.

Hiring great employees may seem difficult, but there are a few ways you could make it easier. For more information about what you’ll need to start your contracting business, contact CSLS today!