How To Find Your Contractor’s License Number

If you’re a construction contractor in California, knowing how to find your Contractors State License Board (CSLB) contractor’s license number is essential for winning clients, staying compliant, and, well, pretty much everything you do as a contractor in the state.

In this quick guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about checking your contractor’s license number – what it is, where to find it, and how to maintain your license status with the CSLB.

The CSLB License: The Basics

In California, a contractor’s license is provided by the CSLB. This certification legally allows you to bid on and work on construction projects that fall under the umbrella of your license classification.

For example, if you’re an electrician, you can only take on electrician jobs, while Class B General Contractor license holders can naturally only take on gen con jobs.

Every CSLB license is tied to a specific contractor license number that is generated and maintained by the CSLB in a central database. This contractor license number is how you are identified by the CSLB, SWIFT, and other authorities when it comes to ensuring compliance with contractor license law.

In addition to legal authorities, many clients will request your contractor license number, so they can do their diligence on you and make sure that you are who you say you are and that you are licensed and capable of doing the job you are bidding for.

Where Is Your Contractor License Number?

When it comes to finding your contractor license, there’s a number of easy ways to locate it. The first and easiest is to check the documents the CSLB gave you – but it’s also easy to check online using the CSLB license checker.

Find Your License Number On CSLB Official Documents

  • CSLB Correspondence: Your license number is mentioned in any official communication from the CSLB. Check your business mailbox or your PO Box and there will almost certainly be a piece of mail from the CSLB with your number on it.
  • License Certificate: The number is displayed prominently on your license certificate. You should always keep your license certificate in a safe place, but somewhere where you can have it on hand as well, just in case you need to show it to someone.

Check Your CSLB License Online

  • The CSLB License Check Tool: Visit the CSLB website and use the Check a License tool. Simply input your name or your business’ name and it will quickly spit out all the details about your license (including your current license status and any potential holds against your license).

Print Your Own Cards

  • Business Cards and Advertisements: It’s a no-brainer to put your license number on your business cards and ads for your business. It’s convenient not only for you but for your customers, as they can quickly make sure that you’re legit and worth their money. In short, having your number front and center immediately separates the wheat (you) from the chaff (sketchy contractors)

Verifying Your CSLB License Status

Having issues finding your CSLB license number and need to find out why? Or maybe you used the CSLB license checker and found

Online Verification

  • Head To the CSLB’s Website: Start by visiting the CSLB’s website.
  • Use the CSLB License Checker Tool: Input your license number in the Check a License tool.
  • Review Details: Ensure your license status is active and check for any compliance issues.

Phone Verification

  • Call the CSLB: Dial 1-800-321-CSLB (2752). The automated system provides license information – all you have to do is tell them your license number and they can provide all the additional information.

Keeping Your License Information Updated

In some cases, you may need to update your license information. Maybe you moved to another city or maybe you removed an operating partner from your business. In any case, the CSLB requires you to promptly and directly update your information to them as soon as possible – or face the consequences of losing your license. Remember, it’s your responsibility to update your information – it is YOUR JOB to make sure your license is correct and valid.

Updating Contact Information

  • Online Update: Use the CSLB website to keep your contact details current.
  • Regular Checks: Regularly check and update your license information to avoid any compliance issues. Good contractors constantly make sure they are licensed.

Renewal and Compliance

  • Timely Renewal: Be aware of the renewal dates and comply with the necessary procedures to keep your license active. Licenses are only active for two years, so make sure you’re keeping your license up to date!


For contractors in California, keeping track of your license number and ensuring it’s active and compliant is crucial for your professional operations. Utilize the CSLB website and maintain up-to-date records for smooth business operations.

Remember, your contractor’s license number is not just a legal requirement, but a representation of your professional credibility in the construction industry in California – one that immediately signals to potential customers that you are worthy of their business.

Regular checks and updates are not only good to do but essential for any contractor worth their salt to make sure they’re staying above board with the CSLB and not operating illegally. Anything related to your license is your responsibility.