How to Protect Against Power Outages On Your Construction Site

As temperatures rise across California and air-conditioning puts a greater strain on the state’s power grid, the likelihood of power outages increases – especially in the hotter months. 

Contractors need to be prepared for possible blackouts or brownouts on their job sites. Just because the power’s out doesn’t mean clients become less demanding or that timelines increase.

Here’s how you can be prepared for power outages on your construction site.

How Much Power Do You Need On A Construction Site?
The first step in making a strong power plan for your construction site is knowing how much power you need. Make a list of your most common equipment that you use on your jobs and the power each of them requires.  Don’t forget tools you wouldn’t normally associate with construction – like phones, computers, fans and so on.

Identify the amount of energy all of these pieces of equipment require and you’ll be able to figure out exactly how much power you need to run your site.

Use Batteries Where Possible
Whenever possible, try to use equipment that can run on batteries as a backup. This way, if the outlets aren’t working, you have a stable source of energy for your equipment that doesn’t require electricity. 

The good thing about batteries is you can stockpile them – you’re only limited by the amount of batteries you have and how charged they are. They also don’t require ventilation like fuel-powered equipment does, giving you more flexibility for use.

Make sure you’re charging as many batteries as you could possibly need before days where blackouts might occur – it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

Generators Are Necessary
Even if you have gear with batteries, you need somewhere to charge the used ones. A backup generator (or two) is absolutely necessary on construction jobs where you might lose power. 

Nowadays, any decent-sized generator will be able to charge electronic devices quickly and effectively, so you can always have fresh batteries on hand. 

Just make sure you know how to use your generator, that it can be placed in an outdoor area with plenty of ventilation for the exhaust, and that you have enough fuel to last as long as the outage.

Plan Ahead
Realistically, you don’t have to drag your generator to every job site – usually you can find out in advance when and where blackouts are likely to occur.

Sustained heat puts a lot of stress on the power grid across California. You can find information about where and when to expect blackouts on your local energy provider’s website ahead of time. On those days, make sure you’re prepared.

Being blackout-prepared is just one tiny skill that a contractor needs to know. Enroll in CSLS today to learn everything you need to be a successful licensed contractor in California!