Important CSLB Bulletin: Attention C-10 Contractors

CSLB Announces Zero-Tolerance for C-10 Requirement ViolationsOnly Certified Electricians to Perform Work as Electricians
SACRAMENTO – Effective immediately, the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) establishes a zero-tolerance enforcement policy and will issue legal action against any C-10 Electrical contractor who willfully employs even one uncertified electrician to perform work as an electrician. CSLB is legally required to open an investigation and initiate disciplinary action against the contractor, which may include license suspension or revocation, within 60 days of receipt of a referral or complaint from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS).
Subsections within Labor Code Section 3099 clearly state that certification by DAS is required for anyone who performs work as an electrician for C-10 Electrical contractors. DAS is required by Labor Code Section 3099.2 to report violations to CSLB.
Electricians are defined as all persons who engage in the connection of electrical devices for C-10 contractors. It is CSLB a position that electrical work must be performed by a certified electrician or an approved apprentice. Trenching, concrete, framing, and other work that does not involve connecting electrical devices may be performed by noncertified workers.
Questions regarding this CSLB enforcement policy should be directed to Brian Gedney (916) 255- 4435.