Is Your Contracting Business Wasting Water?

These days, California seems to be in a persistent state of drought. And whether or not you can feel it personally, you know that water is a finite resource. Although you’ll need to use it on occasion at the construction site, it’s important that you only use what you need. Here are a few tips to make sure you can minimize wasted water.

Contain Loose Debris
A significant portion of the water used on a construction site relates to containment of dust particles. In short, if your site has loose materials that are blowing all over the place, it’s pretty easy to use a hose and a brush to clean them up. Of course, it’s even easier to keep them from blowing everywhere in the first place. Purchase different types of covers, and learn how to tie them down in case of wind or rain. You’ll have less to clean up, and minimize your water use that way. It’s also a good practice for minimizing the environmental impact of construction.

Clean as You Go
Are your construction tasks generating a lot of debris on the construction site? Don’t wait until they start to pile up to take care of them. A dusty, dirty workspace increases the likelihood of injury. If you get in the habit of sweeping up after each task is done, you’ll be less likely to want to hose it all down at the end of the day. To make it easier, ensure that the proper cleaning equipment is within reasonable reach of the workstation. And be sure to build in extra time for cleanup of each task, so that you don’t feel like you have to rush.

Pay Attention to Plumbing
On the construction site, you’re not just worried about the water that you use. You should also be concerned about the water you might lose by accident. On a jobsite with existing construction, you run the risk of hitting a plumbing line that can cause significant leaks. Failing to identify or contain those leaks can lead to thousands of gallons of water lost every day until it is fixed. Before you start work, be sure to get a layout of underground lines for water, gas and other utilities. You can avoid a lot of hassle having to arrange for emergency repairs with a little advance preparation.

Invest in Efficient Hoses
At times, there is no replacement for water. In that case, you should try to be as efficient as you can. For example, there are hoses and attachments that make it easy to adjust the quantity of the spray. That way, you can get the precise amount of power from the water without wasting extra gallons. Every month or two, be sure to inspect your hoses and faucets for signs of leaks, kinks or damage. Replacing the hose might save you hassle as much as it saves you water.

Collect and Reuse
If you wash your car by hand at home, you probably pass off the water you use as beneficial to your lawn. On the construction site, excess water seeping into the ground isn’t necessarily a good thing. If you have the option, it may make sense to collect the water you use for certain jobs and reuse it for other tasks. Sometimes you need clean, fresh water for a job. Other times, any water that isn’t toxic will do. And if you’re using harsh chemicals, it’s often better to collect the water you use on the construction site than to let it flow downward into the gutter.

Controlling your water consumption is an important part of running a contracting business in California. To learn more about how you can get started, visit CSLS today!