Sick of Your Job? 5 Reasons 2022 Is the Best Time to Change

If the last couple of years has taught anyone anything, it’s that you deserve to have a job that you actually want to keep. If you have been working hours in an industry that you feel is going nowhere, you might start thinking that now is a good time to change. Although there’s a lot of upheaval in the world, there are also plenty of reasons to be optimistic. Here are five ways that 2022 could be the perfect time for you to change your career and get into construction.

Labor Shortages Are Everywhere
Every time you go to the store and see that one aisle is nearly completely empty, you realize that that job can’t be outsourced or assigned to a machine. Although automation is a popular topic as a way to replace workers in various industries, it’s not a major part of our present reality. Limited service hours and periodic outages are all signs that there are a lot of industries who are in desperate need of workers. You don’t have to come up with a reason to switch from one to the other, because all industries are hurting and needing more people to get involved.

The Great Resignation Is Real
If it feels like everyone you know is quitting their jobs, there’s a reason for that. In fact, throughout much of 2021, US workers quit their job at an average rate of 4 million per month. That’s significantly higher than any other year prior, and more than twice as high as the low in 2009. Workers these days are already less likely to feel as if they have to keep the same job from early adulthood until retirement. But the great resignation is definitely making people in all industries rethink the jobs that they have and whether they are worth keeping. So if you felt like now is a good opportunity to change, you’d be in great company.

Unemployment Is Down
All those people quitting their jobs doesn’t mean that there are a huge quantity of people who can’t find work. In fact, unemployment is much lower than the annual average. Unemployment hit a high of nearly 15% in April 2020, as many companies laid off workers in the early months of the pandemic. At present, unemployment is hovering around 4%. When you compare these figures to the statistics around people quitting their jobs, you get a more complete picture. People are leaving jobs that don’t work for them, and finding new ones in much less time.

There Are Tons of Growth Potential
At the same time as all this upheaval in the labor market, there has been tons of growth in different industries. Construction is a good example. The pandemic highlighted a lot of traditional approaches to building that don’t really work for society as it is now. That’s forcing a lot of renovation and rebuilding in both the residential and commercial building sectors. It provides a lot of opportunities for people who are interested in innovation to find a good career and grow with it.

Construction Is Waiting
In a way, the construction industry has been primed to handle the 2022 reality better than other industries. Construction has had a significant labor shortage for more than a decade. While that presents possible complications for existing businesses, it also offers great opportunities for people who invest the time now. You don’t have to worry that your current industry is more stable, because basically none of them are. Instead, you’ve got a chance to start building a career that can take you as far as you would like to go.

If you’re thinking about changing jobs, you couldn’t have picked a better time. For more information about building your own business in construction, visit CSLS today!