Recipients of CSLS Scholarship: Steven Kane, Toby Wiest, Alex Avalar (CSLS License Advisor), Carlos Partida, Eddie Dominguez, Mario Contreras
As part of our monthly John Baker Contractor Scholarship offerings, CSLS is honoring each of these super heroes with a scholarship for a CSLS program of their choice to help them in their future careers in the construction industry.
Last October when Carlos Partida, Eddie Dominguez, Steven Kane, Mario Contreras and Toby Wiest were working a job at Kelly Elementary School in Carlsbad California, a shooter opened fire at school children on the playground. When the gunman stopped shooting to reload his firearm, Carlos Partida knocked the man over with his truck and the other four workers apprehended and detained Brendan O’Rourke, the alleged shooter, until the police arrived. Two children were injured on that day and are recovering but if it hadn’t been for this group’s quick reactions to bring down this shooter, the situation could have escalated to far more devastating consequences.
On Thursday, Jan 6th we met with the group of local heroes at the Contractors State License Services San Marcos location where Alex Avelar presented the program options and assisted in their enrollments. We at CSLS feel fortunate to be able to give something of continued value to this group which not only will benefit them individually but also their families and community. Best of luck guys and thank you for stepping forward to protect our community’s children!